Thursday, October 18, 2012

Inspiration from Yoga - Day 3 - I love pajamas!

I really love my pajamas...I mean, my yoga pants. Ok, they're both.

Heck, I practically live in yoga pants when I can.... and they are so wonderfully versatile! They can be slept in and you can also do yoga in them!

I mean, what other sport can you do wearing your pajamas? Truly? Not pro football, surely! Definitely not going to work for Olympic swimming, or my personal favorite, underwater basket weaving!

Slipping into my yoga pants feels heavenly. I love them! (My husband laughs at me for "loving" inanimate objects, songs, colors, etc... but I figure there's enough love in me to love ALL those things, my family and friends, plus my 4-leggeds and particularly HIM to boot!)

Tonight was restorative yoga - a 45 minute breath of wonderful slow-moving graceful and meditative poses - and JUST what I needed after a very vigorous workout week and hectic life schedule. Tonight Revolved Triangle Pose just flowed - my legs aren't as sore as in the last several practices and I was able to feel more like a yogi and less like the Tin Man awkwardly rearranging my limbs into the poses. And that confidence in my body to rebuild itself, to gain from the challenges presented and grow stronger is so fulfilling.

I'm a very "visual signs of progress" kind of person - I live to see accomplishments happening. Discernible differences, the big things like the diploma on the wall, the trophy on the mantle, the ribbon from the show, but also in the little things, the movements with my horse that we couldn't do before but are learning, those AH HA! moments training an animal (dogs, cats, horses, whatever...) or those poses that once you struggled with so tremendously, trying to arrange foot placement, body position, find your balance, stretch through a tight part of your musculature that resisted you, the first day your flat palms hit the floor - and somehow one day it's so effortless you wonder how you every found it so challenging.

But that's another part of yoga that I love - you can never do it all perfectly. There are something like 3,000 poses to learn in yoga. There's always room to expand and grow as a yoga practitioner. Your balance can be steadier, your body can be stronger, your torso can reach farther, your legs become more grounded, your arms lift you more easily into Upward Dog, your backbends improve. The best yogis realize that even when their bodies are refined, flexible and strong, that there is always room to control their minds. Be present in the moment, be grateful, be genuine, be centered.

And in that forward progress, that expansion of self, strength of the inner and the outer, and that feeling of gratitude to all the forces of positivity in the Universe - while wearing your pajamas - what could be better?


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