Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Inspiration from Yoga - Day 13 - Cardio Yoga

Today's little slice of heaven was sweetly nicknamed "Cardio Yoga".

WHEW! More like sweaty-hands, heart-pumping, rapid-breathing, DEAR-GODDESS-HOW-LONG-ARE-WE-HOLDING-THIS-PLANK-POSE-YOGA!

In other words... just the way I like it! I love feeling accomplished, that deep-in-your muscles tired feeling knowing that you've worked hard. Sure, some of those poses elicited a grunt or two. Yes, my hips were feeling tight and my Double Pigeon Pose was somewhat less of a yoga pose and more a discombobulated pretzel, but when you peel a tank top off at the end of your  workout that comes off like a second skin because it's been so saturated with your sweat, I call that a good workout!

The sequence began deceptively smoothly - a few moments resting in Child's Pose (during which I realized how tight my hammies were from the 5k race I did on Saturday as I'm typically 2nd day sore, and also the disadvantage of eating hot pizza, which while convenient, had a profound effect on my capacity to breath. Particularly since I've been avoiding dairy for precisely this reason and also as I've been struggling with the sinus congestion since contracting the seasonal plague earlier this week.) Moving gradually out of Snuffalupagus Pose (aka Child's Pose), we proceeded through a few Sun Salutations into Nostril-Draining Pose (aka Down Dog). All the contents of my sinus cavity which had previously fallen forward in Child's Pose, taking convenient advantage of my forehead-to-mat position, now saw the light at the ends of the tunnels and raced toward them like deep sea divers to the surface (without the obligatory rest periods on the way to avoid "the bends").

Remember that prior post where I confessed that sometimes I like to do yoga alone? This snuffly snurfly, snotty practice was JUST such a time. Also, any physical activity post Mexican food....

The sequence gained speed an intensity, utilizing the typical rotation of poses from standing to forward bend, back to pushup, up to Up Dog, back to Down Dog, but adding variations of planks, holding planks, lifting legs in planks, her favorite knee-tucking planks, and so forth.

By the time we got to our hip openers I was GREATLY relieved to be firmly planted on my mat, and finally letting my sinuses drain back from the depths they came.

But even if it wasn't my very favorite practice, or I struggled through some conglomerations of poses, and my Pigeon Pose looked more ready to take flight than to sink into peaceful meditation, I never feel as though my time on the mat were wasted.

However, after all those held Chaturanga (low pushup position) we'll see how my arms feel tomorrow!

But for now, NAMASTE!
From Yoga Journal:
Stop Headaches Before They Happen

Often we express stress in our necks and jaws. Without even noticing, we tense in these areas, blocking our breath, decreasing our circulation, and sometimes provoking a headache.

Luckily, we can avoid these symptoms by taking a break to relax the neck. Here's how:

While seated, interlace your fingers and place your hands on the back of your head. Allow your head and arms to relax forward and your chin to travel toward your chest. The weight of your head and arms, combined with gravity, will begin to release your neck and reduce or eliminate your headache.

Remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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