Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thumpity Thump Thump, Thumpity Thump Thump - look at baby's heartbeat go!

So today was our 14 week check-up. BP was good, weight we will NOT be discussing, and baby's heartbeat the tech found RIGHT away and was a steady 158 bpm! Well!!! Old wive's tongues will never quit now! One at 165, one at 144, and one 158?

We're taking bets: gender, birth day, time, weight, length, hair & eye color. :) Whoever gets the most categories right wins!!!

My husband and I were both amazed to hear the little heart going - he says he actually teared up a little bit. I think that for the partner, this is the time that they can really feel like a PART of the process, (other than the obvious, of course.)

Our OB/GYN was not able to be there as she was on call at the hospital, so a pretty quick visit overall.

My belly is beginning to show more and more. I know *most* people mean well, but I sure hate getting comments about it, and my weight, and my expansion. I am aware. Every SINGLE day I step on the scale it's more than I've weighed before.

But hurtful comments like "You should make a plan to lose the post-baby weight." Or "Wow, you REALLY are starting to look pregnant." Or "You should only be gaining blah blah weight..." are hurtful, unkind, and DEFINITELY not helpful.

I am a runner, a martial artist, an equestrian, I lift weights and train in the gym multiple days in a week. At nearly 4 months pregnant, I am still running 5k distances routinely, and continue to train 3 days in an average week, not including races on Sundays and cleaning my horse's stalls. I do prenatal yoga and pilates, weight-train at the gym, and run (if slower than I used to.) As an athlete, I eat well, stay hydrated, and sometimes for emotional health, indulge in a treat. But for the most part, I am EXTREMELY healthy.

HOWEVER, I AM GROWING A HUMAN BEING! For a woman in the teens for body fat percentage and who trained and completed a Spartan Beast this past June, I do realize what it takes to get and stay in shape. However, the baby's health comes first, and experiencing a pregnancy for the first time, I knew would be a challenge.

But it's insensitive and insulting comments that really aggravate me.

No, I'm not still a size 1/2, XS like I was before. And you know what, THAT IS OKAY! I'm not gaining abnormal amounts of weight, but for a pregnancy where I have not been sick but once (THANK YOU UNIVERSE!) and where my appetite has been bigger than it ever has in my life, telling me what is a realistic weight gain is going to be determined by my body, my baby and my doctor.

I plan on continuing to be as active as possible, but the reality is that pregnancy makes activities harder. Even getting off the couch is quite literally a physical struggle as I get bigger. And no, I haven't gained much weight yet, (though apparently over people's expectations.) I do realize it will be more challenging. WHY DO YOU THINK I AM STRENGTH TRAINING NOW?

I know, I'm probably hormonal too. But seriously- everyone needs to put their noses back into their OWN business and stop giving me unsolicited advice - ESPECIALLY about my weight!

But other than these complaints, I really have been enjoying my changing shape because it means there's a BABY in there! Even if I will admit to missing my flat abs... and doing core work... and running fast. Those can all happen after baby arrives. :)

For now, I'll just whisper to Santa that what I really wanted is already on the way - though not really for "Christmas."

Happy Momma & 14-week gestating baby (who isn't able to scream through sitting with Santa THIS year!) :)

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