Sunday, November 29, 2015

So much for not puking... Things I'm thankful for....

Whelp - I get to be a "real" pregnant woman now, complete with hurling. Woot woot. *Heavy sarcasm here*

But after a night spent cleaning the bathroom post-purge, I am grateful for a few things. MAINLY LYSOL WIPES! Seriously. Those are the best!!!

I did have a round of dry heaves the following week (what is it with Saturday nights?!) but this time hubby didn't obliviously sleep through it all... and hovered over me trying to be helpful. GODDESS BLESS THIS HUSBAND OF MINE ALWAYS!

I am afraid between bouts of retching up nothing I wasn't the most courteous wife... He asked if he could bring me anything, and I requested a hair tie - trying to hold my hair, NOT smell the toilet water (seriously - pregnancy nose is like nothing on earth. Is this what it's like to be a dog? HOW COULD THEY DRINK OUT OF THERE IF SO!?!? GROSS!!!!) and heaving until I was sure I'd get scolded by doc for working abs when I'm not supposed to do core work was not my idea of a good time.

This dear man brought me a glass of water, which was sweet, but not what I needed. I *needed* a hair tie. Then he brought a wooden stool for me to sit on instead of trying to kneel over the bowl... and then quickly went out and came back with a couch pillow to make it more comfortable. But still no hair tie. He asks, "Can I get you anything else?"

Ladies & gentlemen, I'm afraid the "Hangry Hulk" (as I now call my pregnant alter-ego) came out... and I snapped at him "All I REALLY need is a hair tie!!!" And then started crying because I NEVER yell at him... and he helplessly says "I can't find any?"

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? They are in the living room, looped around my water glass, covering the bedstand, inside the drawer where the Q-tips live... they literally are all over our entire house... and he couldn't find any?

He eventually came back with one, and tried to be helpful, but I was so wracked I could barely gasp for air between retching wretchedly. (HAHA! Well, it wasn't funny at the time...) I did have a moment like the cartoon below: "Why... oh WHY ME?!!"

But I've really had very few of the worst symptoms after the huge scare of the bleed - so I will be GRATEFUL and try to remember the baby is ALL worth it. It's going to be an amazing moment when I can feel it... right now leaning against our clean, but still somehow utterly disgusting and smelly toilet where even the WATER smells tainted to me.... well, that is sometimes hard to remember.

Finally I felt a little better, was able to sip my water, sit up on my pillow-on-a-stool, and realize HOW DAMN LUCKY AM I!?

We wanted this baby so much, were one of the lucky ones to get pregnant RIGHT AWAY (um... budgeting is going to become a WAY bigger priority!) and other than a few rounds around Thanksgiving hovering over the white throne, I am the luckiest pregnant woman I know. Okay, well, EXCEPT my workout buddy Jackie who never threw up even ONCE, and she has like 3 or 4 kids! She is probably the luckiest pregnant lady I've ever met.

Next up: our 14 week appointment. Um... which I'm not sure what exactly we do. I sure hope it doesn't involve taking off my pants again. Last time at our first appt meeting the OB, that pelvic exam, she told me I'd "feel pressure"- UM! THAT WAS PRESSURE!? Better brace myself for whatever other fun surprises I get in store... even before the baby arrives!


Still very grateful down to the bottom of my heart (and stomach) that we are pregnant! And that I have the nicest husband who doesn't even hold it against me when HANGRY HULK yells at him about hair ties when he's just trying to help.

HOW VERY LUCKY AM I!? Just have to remember that while doubled over retching... maybe that was the last time? C'mon kid, coming into the 2nd Trimester we're supposed to be getting BETTER, not worse! LOL!!!!

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