Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ultra #2 11/11/15

Today's OB visit was fairly straightforward! I was excited to finally meet our doctor, and to get to see our little bean once again! I've been feeling so very good that sometimes it's really difficult to remember that I AM still pregnant!

I am so VERY thankful that the terrible sickness from before has abated - honestly I feel so great that now I can finally understand those women who say they enjoy being pregnant! (The first part was extremely rough, however, so I empathize entirely with those who struggled through their first trimester OR BEYOND! Though I seem to have a pretty light case of morning sickness as I was extremely nauseous, but thankfully never *actually* threw up, my symptoms have almost entirely abated since the bleed.

Doc told me to use common sense, but I can go back to being A REAL HUMAN BEING AGAIN! AND YES... I CAN RUN AGAIN!

She advised me to just listen to my body, and do *limited* jumping movements, but continue as per normal pre-pregnancy routine! Lifting, even okay'd some core work...

In fact, we can do everything as per normal - with the exception in the end of my second trimester no lying flat on my back exercises, like sit-ups or whatnot which are out. And don't get overheated or too exhausted. The nurse advised to keep my heart rate below 140 bpm, which even in the toughest part of Monday's workout I never peaked over 120. So hooray!!!!!!!!


Of course, the baby's health is paramount, but I've been FEELING so good that it's very difficult to stay down. So being able to just be "me" is great!!!

Also, I have been cleared of everything in our first blood draw screening. No diseases, no lack of immunities, and confirmed my blood type. Always good to know, though I had mine confirmed in college.

The only concern is an ovarian cyst, which if it twists requires emergency surgery. At this point it hasn't bothered me UNTIL she pushed on it, but good thoughts to keep me safe and happy through the entire pregnancy are appreciated!

So now the question remains: BOY? or GIRL!? The heart rates have been teasing, one higher, one lower, and we won't have another ultrasound for a while. As long as it's not a velociraptor and is happy and healthy, I'm thrilled!

Here's our photos from today! (The little balloon-looking thing is the yolk sack, which has been feeding the little bean for a while until it is depleted! COOL!)

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