Saturday, December 19, 2015

Yarrr! There be goldfish in these here waters!!!

For sure absolutely and without a doubt just felt the baby move!!!!

I've felt a couple movements before, but they were so fleeting that I couldn't be sure. This is the first definite, solid, without a doubt movement I've had where there can be no mistaking it for anything else. It was like MOVEMENT, but not like butterflies or popcorn popping or gas bubbles or whatever else I've heard it described as. Very definitely feels like a fluid movement. One woman said like a goldfish swimming. That's closer, but not as gross... But a fluid movement, way down low on the right side, right where the Doc found the heartbeat and where the majority of my stretching round ligament pain has been. 

Wow! I'm suddenly so emotional!!! How amazing!!!!!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Oh . My . Gosh. Just bawled my head off! I am so happy momma! Wow! What an amazing and totally emotionally surprising moment! I am shocked by how emotional I am all the sudden!!! I really AM becoming a mother! It's suddenly more "real" than it's ever been! More than the ultrasounds, or the Doppler of the heartbeat, NOW for me it isn't just sore boobs and weight gain and swelling ankles (argh!) it isn't the starving hunger and months of nausea... Now for the first time really and TRULY it is real for me! James just hugged me and kissed my tears and says "Yes, it's very exciting. Did you think the heartbeat was faked?" Lol! No, but it's TRULY felt now!!!!! 💜💜💜💜

How absolutely amazing! I am delighted and can't wait for the next time I feel the baby move!!!!!!! So very much in love with this tiny being!

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