Friday, September 21, 2012

I Love You Because...

I positively adore my husband. 

No, don't worry, this isn't going to be some syrupy diabetic-coma-inducing-saccharine-sweet post about all the wonderful things he is, and does, and says...

I love him so much because.... HE PLAYS ALONG! I have a remarkably odd sense of humor. I appreciate literate humor, rather than the putrefaction of the American comedic standard to mostly dirty jokes, fart jokes and toilet humor. There really are only so many variations of a body function joke you can hear before you can't stand it anymore. Though I freely admit, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail does it the best I've seen done!

And here is the neatly contained, short clip version. And the best of it: "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!" I always giggle at that!

My theory on Monty Python is that there are only two camps of people: Those that love them, and those that loathe them. I've never met a single person that just shrugs and goes, "Monty Python... meh!" Being a rabid fan, my personal opinion is that people that hate them don't have the base intelligence to be able to understand their humor. Much along the lines of what my riding instructor once told me why some people are anti-Arabian horses: They simply aren't smart enough to ride them! :)

Some of my very favorites that I would include in the "literate humor" category would have to be Douglas Adams' "The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (I try to read all five books in the trilogy at least annually. Yes, I said 5 books... in a trilogy. Just part of why I love his writing so very much! Also, because it also makes me snort out loud with laughter. In public. After the 18th time reading them. If you haven't read them, don't be deterred by the abominable movie version put out several years back, and go read them. Right now. I'll wait.

(Just kidding. I don't have that much patience. Now back to your regularly scheduled content.)

I love playing along with my brother inventing gags; at family dinner for his graduation we had an entire impromptu skit based off him wearing toasted walnut lipstick to dinner (he wasn't) and convincing my Mom that he was, and that his makeup was so realistic that she couldn't even see it. In fact, when my family gathers, we always try to select a back room (preferably WITH a door) to isolate us from the other patrons in any social establishment as our loud and raucous laughter invariably gets us dirty looks.

My best friends are the ones who put up with, (and actually appear to enjoy), my unique sense of humor, and aren't too embarrassed when I act out in public. This happens more frequently than not.

And finally, just another reason in a ridiculous and tremendously long list of reasons why I married the love of my life... HE PLAYS ALONG WITH ME! (And his name is decidedly NOT Frederick).

----------------------------- 9/20/2012 1:15 PM you wrote:
Dearest Frederick -
Oh how I love thee! I was so sorry to hear that you'd shaved your mustache - you know how much I loved it so thick and bushy! So are you going to take the charter for the clipper? It's good wages, though a sea voyage will take you from my arms for ever so long. I shall do embroidery whilst sitting in my corset and looking wistfully out the window doing nothing but awaiting your return. Must go, mother may catch me writing. With all love and sincerity, your dearest, Caroline

ARE YOU DRUNK!!!  Who's Fred and whilst doesest he do for a farthing?

Yep, that's my man! 

Backstory: He wrote me an e-mail today with another woman's name in the subject line. UH OH!!!! Everyone knows this is a cardinal sin, which could only be topped by the insufferable faux pas of moaning of another's name whilst inbetwixt the sheets.... and while his email was innocent in nature (he forgot to actually write the rest of the e-mail asking for the address for said-other-than-wifely-person-mentioned-in-the-place-of-honor-aka-subject-heading-of-email), my response was to write him a mock Victorian-esque e-mail... (yes, I love the delicious juxtaposition in that last sentence) and he played along! With only a minor reference to the possibility of inebriation and the insinuation that I couldn't hold my liquor. Yep! Must be true love!

Also, I am not a fan of facial hair because it's scratchy and makes my face turn and stay bright red. Moreover, I really can't embroider. Really, I can barely manage to reattach a button. Heck, in truth, I can hardly thread a needle.

Cordially yours,
-Sirens Echo
(And one last thing... my name is not Caroline.)

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