Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hello world wide web & associated denizens!

Hello world wide web & associated denizens!
Starting up a new blog can be quite a daunting task! So bear with me as the process unfolds. So far, just setting up the template has taken up the better part of the first hour that I've allotted today for working on this page.... I guess I finally understand why people get paid to do this for others!

In the interest of randomness (and ramblings) this blog is designed to cover everything from the magnificent to the mundane that wanders across my brain pan. To that end, there may be anything from book reviews, movie critiques, travel reviews, stories from my life (or other's lives), interesting tidbits I stumble across, random thoughts (typically formulated in the shower or when I'm supposed to be sleeping) and a variety of many other multiple and semi-interesting topics.

When I started up coming up with a reason for starting up a blog - especially one without a specific purpose in mind (I mean, randomness can't really be considered a viable premise, or can it?) I just decided it would be a collection of all the miscellany in my life. So saddle up, buckle in, and prepare to go on the ride!
-Sirens Echo

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