Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Veldorex was hungry. Not physically, for she had glutted herself on several sheep the night previous.  She liked sheep when she did not feel the need to challenge herself in obtaining a meal.  Too stupid to flee, they stood frozen, bleating pitifully. And cruched deliciously.  Gliding through the night, she was invisible to human eyes, a quick shadow against the stars, sweeping undetected upon their flocks.
No, this was not physical hunger, but a bodily craving, a thousand times stronger, deeper, and infinitely more dangerous.  Her gold eyes narrowed. It was nearly her time, and she must find a male.  Extremely territorial, dragons would run off or even kill another dragon that invaded their territory. Or be killed.  The only time they tolerated another was during breeding, and not for long, even then. For dragons, by necessity and choice must return to their territories to retain them, or ofttimes, reclaim them.
Veldorex had long since given up on seeking human males for sating her desire while in her human form - though that body desired it, her draconic form knew the intensity of dragon-mating and nothing else would compare.
Her tail twitched angrily, scattering coin about her in a shimmering shower. She loved gold; it reflected her eyes and cast deep glints into her metallic black scale. Only in the light, though, and she was a lady of the night, and did not allow even the luminescent fungus to grow in her cave, scorching it when it glowed too brightly.
Of late, however, she had been distracted, and it had crept back, season after season, edging its way along cracks in the walls, across the ceiling, her cave veined with greenish light as though alive. 
She felt it coming, building inside her, burning inside her, until it screamed for release - that primal call that she could not ignore.
The tip of her tail flicked from side to side anxiously, the clinking of coins beneath her, heated by her internal fire, soothing to her underbelly.  Twin curls of smoke curled lazily from out of her nostrils as she brooded.
Veldorex transformed with a thought, black scales sliding into raven locks that swung nearly to her ankles, her pale white skin set into a streamlined gown of black velvet that clung to her curves of her body as close as skin. A circlet of gold set with black-as-night gems rested on her brow, long lashes blinked over golden eyes.  She was on the hunt.
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