Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unicorns Farting Rainbows

The Power of a Positive Mental Attitude (and my take on it)


I've been thinking a lot about positive mental attitudes... I'm prone to depression sometimes too, as I think all of us are, but I'm trying to figure out good ways to deal with it constructively.

So I was ruminating on positive mental attitudes.
I was particularly thinking about the 1970s Ohio University study I read about where rabbits were being fed a high-cholesterol diet. But one group was the student's favorite and he took only those rabbits out every day, talked to them and petted them before he fed them. All the rest of the rabbit groups were suffering from obesity and heart-disease, etc... what you might expect from such a diet. But this group of rabbits, the only ones getting love and attention, were showing a 60% intolerance to the diet based on the nurturing received. Repeated studies creating the same situation showed similar results.

We all need more positivity. I've read in several different places that humans need 10 positive touches a day. Hugs, warm handshakes, pats on the back - that affirming, connecting contact that human beings need and crave on a deep level. (Yes, even YOU!)

So what does the power of touch have to do with being positive? As a touch-leery person myself, I'm not about to go around patting people's shoulders at random. (Though when I like you, I'll touch you often in little ways of being affectionate, I've found.)

I think that YOU choose your outlook on life. For example, I'm trying to only phrase the positive. (I slip sometimes, but, I am TRYING.)

So someone typed to me, "Oh, I hate grey rainy days and I just woke up grumpy and people are so annoying..."
And I started to reply  "Yeah, it's only Weds."

But I changed it to be positive and said, "It's already Weds, so only 2 more days until the weekend! YAY!"

So I think it's a matter of perspective, ya know?

I guess the universe has been giving me lessons in gratitude, and so far I'm reaping the rewards of being a happier person by (generally) being surrounded by happier people. Even some of the most "Debbie Downers" and "Doom and Gloomers" are coming around from being "flooded" by my positive comments. Yep, sometimes I just puke rainbow glitter all over people. That's my method of coping with their negativity.

Have you ever noticed that some people have that "ray of sunshine" effect? They walk in the room and everyone brightens up? I'm trying to be that person. I'm trying to affect positive change in my universe and put on my rose-colored glasses. Why not? Will it hurt anyone if I'm a Pollyanna and hope for the best for everyone? Probably not! In fact, it will probably HELP!

There are so many negative outside influences that bring us down, the news is all about war, disease and disaster, people talk about their problems and the bad things in their lives. I fall prey to this negative mentality as well. There are always more bills, cars always need maintenance, and the saying goes "If it has tires or testicles, you're gonna have problems with it." (Sorry guys, not sexist, just how the saying goes.) So we've got this dark cloud hanging over us and all the media we see reinforces it, our complaining friends complain and we complain back... but when do we get the feel-good positive feedback? When do we get the pats on the back? When do we get the unicorns farting rainbows?

Well, a couple thing that I do: I have a warm/fuzzy folder in my e-mail. When I get something that makes me laugh, or touches me, or when someone says something nice about me, then I put it in that folder and if I'm feeling particularly blue, I look through it. It's amazing how just reading a few e-mails that say "Great job!" "I'm proud of you," or "I love you" can make a difference, you know?
It's like, well, if that many people love me and care about me, my life can't be that bad...

Also, I have certain songs that ALWAYS get me jacked up. I can't help it. If I'm mad or sad or just out-of-sorts I hit these playlists and pretty soon I'm singing along and tapping my feet and can't hardly sit in my chair.

Another trick I use to change my perspective is that I LOVE to get up and move. I'm really good at self-rewards for work completed. So if I'm doing something terribly boring and monotonous, I'll set a limit, like ok, I gotta work for another hour, then I can run upstairs and get a cup of tea, or chew a piece of gum, or check my e-mail or just go outside for a few minutes.  With little goals to work towards it keeps me focused and then happier to have five minutes to run the stairs to get my heart going and have a little treat of some nice tea or some Vit D throwing a toy for the dog or whatnot.

I commit a random driving act of kindness a day. I try to give a stranger a compliment, or to do something nice for another, particularly if I can do it anonymously. Doesn't have to be a million dollar donation to a performing arts center, it can be as innocent as cleaning a communal bathroom without being asked, putting change in someone's parking meter, or letting someone in front of you in the shopping line who has fewer things to purchase than you do.

Things like that.  Now, I'm not perfect, but those are some of the things I do to get myself out of my funk. I try to find something to be grateful for. Sometimes I'm so deep in this negative spiral that I have to go for the big things... like "Hey! I woke up on this side of the grass this morning! I'm glad I'm alive. I'm glad I can see. I'm glad I can run and walk and lift and ride horses, and do martial arts and all the friends in my life and people who care about me!"  See, it just expands from there!

I'm babbling, but that's ok. It's just a stream-of-consciousness outpouring, but maybe you can glean some bits.

With all my best, and I mean it!!!
-Sirens Echo

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