Saturday, October 27, 2012

Inspiration from Yoga - DAY 10 - BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!

The creeping crud attacked me, and I spent a couple days under the weather, and under the covers!

There is something so restorative about sleep, though even our best scientists haven't quite discovered why it is so important, as this article from Harvard, (which provides theories, but not solid answers), shows:

After sleeping for several days, I finally felt restored enough to engage in a 20 minute Core Workout to renew my commitment to my yoga challenge. At first, feeling as though a mere 20 minutes couldn't possibly facilitate the amount of exercise needed for a solid workout (though why I counter-intuitively hung onto this theory while simultaneously struggling to overcome an illness that literally laid me flat out for days is beyond my comprehension - back to that self-competitive drive, I suppose).

Boy, was I mistaken. In 20 minutes I sweated and shook my way through numerous plank poses (both low and high), holding Chaturanga with my elbows close into my sides, pushing into a blissful Down Dog which felt like a resting pose after the hard work, and then into a number of variations of Boat Pose engaging upper and lower abdominals and obliques. Let me tell you, that lovely lovely Savasana Pose at the end felt like lying in the most fussy "Princess & the Pea" bed I've ever had the pleasure of settling my bones onto. It.was.glorious!

While perhaps a bit "zesty" for my return from the tour of Zombieland I took, I felt proud of myself that I'd struggled through and conquered the workout - without having to pause and rest in it - even moving through the challenging low-high plank and into Up Dog all without lowering my knees. Really good stuff!

My body thanks me, and maybe it's just me, but my waistband feels just a touch looser! (I'd like to think it's from yoga and not from subsisting on soup and tea with honey for the majority of the week!)

Namaste and BE WELL!

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