Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Holidays 2015!

                    Happy Holidays 2015

Happy Holidays! This year has surely been a year of change!
Ruth started out with a goal to run at least one 5k (3.1 miles) race each month in 2015 after working with a new Physical Therapist, the amazing Ashton Therapies, for shoulder/hip injuries. With doc approval, (and nearly full range of motion!) I ran my first 5k of the year on Jan 31st, 2015 to ring in the New Year – and have completely blown my original goal out of the water. I’ve run The Color Run, The Great Inflatable Race, and The Mustache Dache, just to name a few. I have dressed up as Darth Vader for the Star Wars Race, as Bellatrix Lestrange for the Harry PotterRrun, Cat Woman for a Superheroes Race, and a Fire Fairy for the Midsummer Night’s Run. I’ve been coated in colored dust, bubbles, and mud. My running total has well exceeded even my *updated* goal of 100 miles raced (not just training runs, but actual races; either virtual or not!) I came in as top 5 in my division in many races this year, including 5th OVERALL for Woman of Steel, and was awarded my medal across the finish line by my amazing husband! I also joined a group called “Moon Joggers”, ran a whole slew of races for various charities, and even talked my friend Tyler into joining a few! My family pitched in for an early birthday present and bought me a FitBit Surge (with GPS tracking!) and I’ve accrued over 525 lifetime miles (walking/running/daily activities) since May 21st! HUZZAH!  I’ve even completed some virtual races for even longer distances such as half marathons, a 52-mile “Escape from the Shire” Middle-Earth themed run, and most recently, the 88-mile Race to the Future! (Over several days, obviously.) Yay for running and better health (and hips!)
James and I had an additional goal of training for and completing the Spartan Super, an 8-10 mile obstacle race held here in Utah. We trained for a year starting in June of 2014, and with his help (and many boosts over 6, 7 and 8-foot walls!) we completed our first ever SPARTAN race on June 27th, 2015! I believed that was the hardest thing that I had ever done. Climbing through mud bogs, hurling spears, hanging from ropes, scaling cargo nets, and hauling heavy atlas stones were just a few of the obstacles we faced. In 102 degree heat. Over 8.8 miles of rugged terrain. (This ain’t road racing here folks!) I was so lucky to finish leaping through the fire hand-in-hand with my husband! WE ARE SPARTANS!

I thought that running the SPARTAN was the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life… until four days later when James, his brother Russell, and I backpacked up The Grand Teton in Wyoming! WHEW! Hard in a totally different way! We camped on the saddle
under a full moon in the shadow of a glacier, and I thought how amazing my life has been! The next day we attempted to summit, but due to snow/ice and lack of technical gear for me, we had to turn around at about 12,000 feet. Safety first! Still, it was an amazing and literally life-long dream! I hope one day to reach the peak!

Also, in April of this year, Ruth changed jobs and went to work as an Implementation Specialist at
AdvancedMD, a medical billing software company. She works as a trainer and coordinates with multiple other departments to facilitate the client’s success in doing their medical billing. The company has been a great learning experience, and while the job can be incredibly demanding, she LOVES her co-workers (if not the commute to & from South Jordan twice daily!) And it has great perks – like swag, paid vacation, benefits, and company-sponsored movie premiers, which is always nice!) James continues to work at the family medical billing business and works hard at it.
And, after a 2-year hiatus from the competition arena, Ruth stepped back into the Taekwondo ring (for Sport Poomsae and Weapons) at the Wasatch Exhibition on Oct. 10th. After injuring my hip while training for black belt testing, I have been unable to actively participate in Taekwondo, but it’s always been in my heart, and training in forms is my zen. So I was able to compete again, and took a gold in Sport Poomsae and a silver in weapons performing a sais form that my brother Mark taught me. I also was immensely grateful that I was able to attend a Sport Poomsae Seminar taught by the amazing Master Elva Adams, a world-renowned Sport Poomsae Champion. (Yes, I’m STILL working on my sidekicks!)

And for fun, James and I have been enjoying what Salt Lake City has to offer with a date at the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium, saw “The Book of Mormon Musical” for our 6th Anniversary present (didn’t quite top last year’s “WICKED” in my mind…) and I got him a Lamborghini to drive for his birthday through Gotham Dream Cars. (Too bad he couldn’t keep it!) I also completed two 30-day drawing challenges for August and September, took a fun impromptu trip to Arches National Park with Tyler, and was able to visit my family in Montana to surprise my Mom for her birthday last February, over Labor Day weekend in September, and for Christmas… JUST IN TIME TO REVEAL THE SURPRISE!
We are expecting!  Just the day after setting my fastest 5k time for this year at a Geek’d Out Events run, The Gamer Dash, I found out that we are expecting the next Bartholomew! (No WONDER I felt so queasy sprinting to the finish! HAHA!) We are so very excited to be welcoming this new adventure in our lives! We had a big scare at the beginning, but thankfully the rest of the pregnancy has progressed without much ado. We had a second ultrasound on 11/11/15, and were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat at our last appointment on Dec 10th! How amazing! It’s a little too early to know gender yet, but we’re taking bets! Birthday, time, weight, length, hair & eye color! Whoever gets the most right wins! Place yer bets! So the horses are getting more turnout and less riding, but they don’t mind! That’s all our news!

With all our love, Ruth, James & baby!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Yarrr! There be goldfish in these here waters!!!

For sure absolutely and without a doubt just felt the baby move!!!!

I've felt a couple movements before, but they were so fleeting that I couldn't be sure. This is the first definite, solid, without a doubt movement I've had where there can be no mistaking it for anything else. It was like MOVEMENT, but not like butterflies or popcorn popping or gas bubbles or whatever else I've heard it described as. Very definitely feels like a fluid movement. One woman said like a goldfish swimming. That's closer, but not as gross... But a fluid movement, way down low on the right side, right where the Doc found the heartbeat and where the majority of my stretching round ligament pain has been. 

Wow! I'm suddenly so emotional!!! How amazing!!!!!!!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Oh . My . Gosh. Just bawled my head off! I am so happy momma! Wow! What an amazing and totally emotionally surprising moment! I am shocked by how emotional I am all the sudden!!! I really AM becoming a mother! It's suddenly more "real" than it's ever been! More than the ultrasounds, or the Doppler of the heartbeat, NOW for me it isn't just sore boobs and weight gain and swelling ankles (argh!) it isn't the starving hunger and months of nausea... Now for the first time really and TRULY it is real for me! James just hugged me and kissed my tears and says "Yes, it's very exciting. Did you think the heartbeat was faked?" Lol! No, but it's TRULY felt now!!!!! 💜💜💜💜

How absolutely amazing! I am delighted and can't wait for the next time I feel the baby move!!!!!!! So very much in love with this tiny being!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thumpity Thump Thump, Thumpity Thump Thump - look at baby's heartbeat go!

So today was our 14 week check-up. BP was good, weight we will NOT be discussing, and baby's heartbeat the tech found RIGHT away and was a steady 158 bpm! Well!!! Old wive's tongues will never quit now! One at 165, one at 144, and one 158?

We're taking bets: gender, birth day, time, weight, length, hair & eye color. :) Whoever gets the most categories right wins!!!

My husband and I were both amazed to hear the little heart going - he says he actually teared up a little bit. I think that for the partner, this is the time that they can really feel like a PART of the process, (other than the obvious, of course.)

Our OB/GYN was not able to be there as she was on call at the hospital, so a pretty quick visit overall.

My belly is beginning to show more and more. I know *most* people mean well, but I sure hate getting comments about it, and my weight, and my expansion. I am aware. Every SINGLE day I step on the scale it's more than I've weighed before.

But hurtful comments like "You should make a plan to lose the post-baby weight." Or "Wow, you REALLY are starting to look pregnant." Or "You should only be gaining blah blah weight..." are hurtful, unkind, and DEFINITELY not helpful.

I am a runner, a martial artist, an equestrian, I lift weights and train in the gym multiple days in a week. At nearly 4 months pregnant, I am still running 5k distances routinely, and continue to train 3 days in an average week, not including races on Sundays and cleaning my horse's stalls. I do prenatal yoga and pilates, weight-train at the gym, and run (if slower than I used to.) As an athlete, I eat well, stay hydrated, and sometimes for emotional health, indulge in a treat. But for the most part, I am EXTREMELY healthy.

HOWEVER, I AM GROWING A HUMAN BEING! For a woman in the teens for body fat percentage and who trained and completed a Spartan Beast this past June, I do realize what it takes to get and stay in shape. However, the baby's health comes first, and experiencing a pregnancy for the first time, I knew would be a challenge.

But it's insensitive and insulting comments that really aggravate me.

No, I'm not still a size 1/2, XS like I was before. And you know what, THAT IS OKAY! I'm not gaining abnormal amounts of weight, but for a pregnancy where I have not been sick but once (THANK YOU UNIVERSE!) and where my appetite has been bigger than it ever has in my life, telling me what is a realistic weight gain is going to be determined by my body, my baby and my doctor.

I plan on continuing to be as active as possible, but the reality is that pregnancy makes activities harder. Even getting off the couch is quite literally a physical struggle as I get bigger. And no, I haven't gained much weight yet, (though apparently over people's expectations.) I do realize it will be more challenging. WHY DO YOU THINK I AM STRENGTH TRAINING NOW?

I know, I'm probably hormonal too. But seriously- everyone needs to put their noses back into their OWN business and stop giving me unsolicited advice - ESPECIALLY about my weight!

But other than these complaints, I really have been enjoying my changing shape because it means there's a BABY in there! Even if I will admit to missing my flat abs... and doing core work... and running fast. Those can all happen after baby arrives. :)

For now, I'll just whisper to Santa that what I really wanted is already on the way - though not really for "Christmas."

Happy Momma & 14-week gestating baby (who isn't able to scream through sitting with Santa THIS year!) :)