Monday, May 19, 2014

Reflections on a sunburn

I've been working on cleaning out the winter's accumulation at the back of my horse's stalls, and in doing so, I got a sunburn. Of course, I winced when I asked my husband to rub lotion on it, but oddly I also feel invigorated as well, as though I have done something vital and essential, something fulfilling and empowering as well. Not just the sunburn or physical labor, but the actuality of doing something outside, being in the early summer air and breeze, absorbing all the green of the trees and the blown-out dandelion heads in the grass.

Modern humans spend an awful lot of our time starting at screens- computer, phone, television, and I feel the deprivation of sun and fresh air. The sunburn is a reminder of the hours spent with my horses, the sound of the wind rustling in the cottonwood leaves, the sound of the horses munching, the swish of tails against the first flies. I put my mare's fly mask on, and lean against her warm side, resting. There is some kind of camaraderie that I find with my horses, that peaceful company without expectation - except perhaps hoping my pockets hold treats.

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