Friday, May 9, 2014

Newspaper headline & list of ingredients - Writing Exercise

Today's writing exercise was to create a writing piece making up a newspaper headline and using a list of ingredients. I know, right?!  Here's my take:

"State of Utah issues health alert - Tarragon, Allspice, Kosher Salt respond." - Salt Lake City Tribune

Cinnamon called the meeting to order. The jars rattled to attention in the spice rack as Cinnamon tapped a chopstick against the spoon rest in a staccato bid for absolute silence.


Allspice sat a little more flush in the rack.

"There has been a warning to which we must pay careful heed."

Clove buds rattled together in anticipation.

"This is a concern directly affecting each and every one of us, and together we will be successful!"

Oregano interrupted, "But what is it? Tell us!"

Cinnamon cast a sidelong glance to Allspice, who frowned severely at Oregano. Abashed, Oregano shuffled back to order.

"We have a sacred duty," Cinnamon continued, "A solemn and sincere purpose to overthrow bland cooking!"

"Here, here!" cheered Kosher Salt.

At that moment, Peppercorns, serving as sentry, gave the signal and they all fell silent.

The clink of pan and whoosh of flame, crackle of butter in the pan filled the air.

Tarragon silently prayed, "Pick me! Pick me!" and rejoiced when lifted in blessed sacrifice for the cause.

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