Friday, November 9, 2012

Inspiration from Yoga - Day 21 - Final Thoughts

I reached my goal. I completed 21 says of the Yoga Challenge (with a few hiccups in the way, but completed nonetheless) I finished 21 workouts, meditations, breathing exercises , Blissology commitment of performing random kindnesses, a couple self-revelations, exercise from cardio to restorative yoga, and I am left reflecting on what has changed in 21 days. No, I  haven't miraculously recovered from my lingering injuries from the car accident, I haven't suddenly been able to do a challenging pose that has eluded me until now, and no cosmic physical breakthroughs have been bestowed on me.

There were nights I would've rather curled up and read my book, watched an episode of a tv show or just gone straight to bed, but I did my yoga anyway. I missed a few days being too sick to do yoga, though I made them up again. I was sore from TKD, the gym, or running a race, and did yoga anyway, I was tired from working super long hours, but did yoga anyway, and here I am, finished and reflective on my experience this go-round with the 21-Day Yoga Challenge. So what did I gain from dedicating the greater part of a month to time spend 20 to 55 minutes a night on my sticky mat? A sense of clarity, a devoted time of self care, perhaps a smidgen more flexibility and strength. Found some insights into my personality, admired my personal dedication to perform my practice daily and write about my experiences, and hopefully, am forming a habit of doing something so deeply desired by my body, mind and soul that only I can force myself to do and never find the time spent in my practice "lost" but instead "gained".


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