Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Oct 6

Already suspected pregnancy due to symptoms last week of September... but didn't want to put the cart in front of the horse.... 

On Saturday, 10/3, after Gamer Dash 5k, I discussed symptoms with sis-in-law and she said many were very likely! Over the last week-ish many "strange" and unusual things have been happening. I wasn't overly optimistic but thought the idea funny if we conceived right away in the first month!!! Felt very nauseous on Friday, and told hubby if I still felt that way, I wanted to pee on a stick. Melissa said they had an additional preggo test they could bring down on Sunday for us. I said yes! 

10/4 Sunday- getting a massage and my boobs were so sore being face down on the table.... Lisa BET James a nice bottle of wine that I was preggo and he dashed off to the store to get tests! Before I even washed my hands the second pink line began to appear! Not even faint! I let James time 3 minutes and he said he already suspected when my nose was so sensitive! But now proof! He wants a second test for morning with the digital one, though one already confirmed! I beyond elated! Ecstatic! Not even a single period, which is fine with me! We both pray only for a healthy baby, boy or girl! Holy smokes- were official expecting! 

Update: second digital test at 1:30 am on Oct 5 confirmed! "yes+!" I'm officially a mother-to-be! Keeping news quiet until the "safe" timeframe, though I'm bursting to tell everyone!!! Baby is size of a poppyseed at 4 weeks; technically a blastocyst still, but already creating havoc... And CLEAVAGE! Update: a bitty belly popped out overnight on 10/6! Belly did NOT look like this yesterday even! Wow! All water weight so far. Mild cramping. Appt set for intake/blood work Monday, 10/12.

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