Thursday, April 17, 2014

10 poems, 3 lines each - Writing Exercise

The writing exercise for today is 10 poems, 3 lines each - using whatever your eye falls on around you. The goal is not to self-edit, but just to let whatever comes to mind flow, keeping your hand moving and not re-reading anything you've written until all ten poems are done.

1)  Glass
Reflective it falters
Emotionless stares
sleek and dead eyed.

2) Salt
Pickling, brining
flavoring, preserving,
once priced as though gold.

3) Water
A rush, relief,
flood released,
canary yellow in the bowl.

4) Light
Dust motes on the shade
ribs show through
bedside companion.

5) Window
Shielding, a portal,
speckled with hard water
spot stains like armor.

6) Portrait
She in white
he in black
a good knight and his veiled lady.

7) Mirror
Standing apart,
showing all the world,
yet hiding your face.

8) Tablet
An awaiting world,
pen beside, poised,
from grocery list to poem.

9) Box
Corrugated castles,
ramparts breached,
treasures revealed.

10) Hoodie
Dim the light,
cavernous the hole,
into which I, the turtle, retreat.

What can you come up with? Don't think, just write!

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