Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tonight I found... myself

Tonight I found
a box of memories
newspaper clippings
photos of half a lifetime ago.

I reflect on them
the girl burgeoning into a woman
who stepped off the threshhold of home
and into the abyss of unknown lands.

Who was I then?
This eager, timid thing
bursting with energy, sexual, vibrant, alive
waiting to tear into the freedom of choice.

Who am I now?
18 years and several wrinkles show
the experience of living
grooved into my bones and sinews.

Who will I become?
18 years more
And older, more vibrant and assured
version of the me who now holds a pen, wondering?

Time, inexorable.
Life, inescapable.
Experience, attainable.
Joy, achievable.

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