Thursday, October 31, 2013

Keep Calm & Love Halloween -- Here's Why I LOVE Halloween...

Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. And no, it's not the vampire fangs, fake blood, and gaping wounds (though those can be fun as well) but the fact that for ONE day there is freedom.

For ONE day a year, without restriction, you have absolute permission to be ANYTHING you desire. ANYTHING you can think of in the whole wide world, without limits. I love that! You can easily wear a cape to work and no one calls the looney bin on you for it.

What happened to that?

What happened to that freedom of imagination that we all had as children, somehow cut off by social parameters to which we all (or almost all) subscribe? That innocent carefree land of your wildest dreams that becomes somehow shut off and diminished - the threat of social repercussion making us conform to a suit-and-tie mentality.

But all that falls away on one day a year. (Or multiple days, if you have a few parties to go to....)

Yet even then, being dressed up for a work party the day before Halloween, in line at Subway people chide "You're a day early!" Um... we have a work party. "Oh, because Halloween is tomorrow...."

Yeah, what's up with that?

It's like in becoming an adult somehow we think it behooves us to mock and belittle others? OBVIOUSLY we were dressed up for a reason, but why does there HAVE to be one?

I for one, fully support costumes year-round. Movie premiers, birthday parties, random Thursdays... it all sounds good to me. Sometimes we get so bogged down in the misery, the struggle, the challenge... we need something to make us laugh, lift our spirits, and get us out of "ourselves" for a while.

So all of you that take the spirit of Halloween and make it your own, I salute you! And yes, I'm dressing up tomorrow too!


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