Thursday, August 15, 2013

Poems for Kristen, Going on her Mission

  • My dear friend Kristen is leaving to serve a mission for her church. She was struggling to write her farewell talk late one night, so I decided to help her after she said her talk was turning poetic. She liked them so much her whole family printed them out and read them to each other, though her precocious 9 year old brother commented my syllables were off for my haiku. I fixed it (it WAS 1 am, in my own defense...)


    A haiku:  Missionary talk, 
    farewell in the making, Tennessee is calling.
  •  A limerick: There once was a girl named Kristen, who wanted to go on a mission. Public speaking was cake, once she knew what's at stake, but somehow she'd have rather been KICKIN!!!

    A sonnet: How shall I compare thee to a bright Sunday's talk? Thou art lengthy, and thou art strangely beautiful. Thy grammar, it calls to me. Thy syntax and structure alluring. All the days of my life shall I cherish thee - O farewell talk!

    Free verse:  Waiting. The thoughts. They come like scattered sparrows before a summer storm. Ink from my pen, a Rorschach print as my words tumble amidst the list, rampant in my brain, scattered as the belongings which I so hastily assemble. The luggage stands, impatient sentinels, ready for the next steps beyond this door, this threshhold, eager for their taste into the unknown... while I, ponderous with thoughts both mighty and scattered, throw my life, my hopes and dreams to this page.

    An ode: What words are these? What inspiration divine? What muse hath covered mine ears with her sweet song? Be bold! A warrior of faith! A champion of courage! Fortitude prevail!

     A narrative in the style of Chaucer: Beholde thy fayre maidyn, stryving full twytny and one, adventyre to speke, adventyre to fynde. For oft she hath long'd withe feal and verdante hearte to further afielde far in hir chirch truely ynough, goodly spekes, rightly work, enternel lyve.

  • Kristen's reply: I love you! you're the best!  That Limerick was true and hilarious all at the same time. ...I'm very impressed.You should be writing my talk! though, this poetry is rather inspiring... 

Have fun on your mission Kristen! You will be missed! :)

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