Thursday, November 1, 2012

Inspiration from Yoga - Day 15 - Ujjayi Breathing Exercises

Happy Halloween!

A nice reprieve from a traditional workout, tonight's practice was all about the flow and control of breath.

(Part of me wanted to do another workout just to get my body moving, but after doing 120 deep squats per my husband's new regimen I'm undertaking, plus walking up and down the hills accompanying my friends' kids going Trick-or-Treating tonight, I kinda got a good workout anyway.)My hip flexors are FINALLY believing that there is such a thing as relaxation, though in simple cross-legged pose my knees are much more like butterfly wings partially lifted skyward than resting on the earth. But all in good time.

Tonight was the Ujjayi ("victorious") breathing practice - long smooth inhalations and exhalations in a smooth and continuous rhythm. First practicing by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth with an audible release of breath, though not forced. The slight pause before inhaling, the slight pause of holding the full lungs with the entire abdomen expanded with breath. The moving to inhales and exhales through the nose only, and following this rhythm for a cleansing and also relaxing practice.

The only distraction was the slight wheezy noise I have from being a bit congested from the cold and being outside tonight. But I did feel refreshed and relaxed, ready to crawl between the sheets!

Breathe deeply! Be at ease!

For more info on Ujjayi Breathing, please check out:

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