Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lessons from "Penguins of Madagascar" - Validation & Inclusion

I was watching the animated movie "Penguins of Madagascar" and while quite punny, (and a bit silly), there was a message that struck home with me.

The lead penguin, Skipper, keeps telling the others "You're a meaningful and valued member of this team." but never says this to one penguin named Private. Private is desperately seeking this approval, and through the antics of an animated film, keeps trying to prove his worth to Skipper who sees him merely as cute and cuddly, but utterly disregards every other aspect of his worth, smarts, or his attempts at contributing to the team. Skipper continues to devalue him as he sees him as merely a pretty face.

Sure, it's an animated film. But there's also a deeper lesson here that we tend to superficially judge others based on our EXTERNAL objectification of them. We comment on a woman's weight loss (or gain) or a man's financial prowess but rarely about their personal characteristics. Even in our work environments, rarely are we truly acknowledged as a VALUABLE member of the team.

I recently started a new job - and while challenging and having a steep learning curve, immediately I felt included as a new member of the existing team and was thanked sincerely for all my work (which to me seems minor as I'm still training for each task before I can complete it and still have to ask a lot of questions.)

I was acknowledged in my first week as a "meaningful and valued member of this team." In week one! As a new hire! Who spent most of the first day just trying to set up logins and change temporary passwords. (I also got a company mug and tumbler and felt very special that they ordered me an ergonomic keyboard and had it send via expedited shipping to get to me.) But more than the physical presents, (YAY PRESENTS!) I was acknowledged by every single member of my new team as a valuable addition and told they were glad to have me. They were truly grateful for the work which I could complete, and complimented me on my ability to be trained to a task and then perform it with relatively little further instruction.

They also appreciated my note-taking so that I could do the same task again without having to be re-instructed on the steps, as well as me noting any aberrations or issues with the task with enough detail to resolve it later. Wow! They paid attention to my work, gave me thoughtful and considerate feedback, and gave me sincere thanks! HOW MEANINGFUL THIS IS!

I felt included and validated, and eager to return to my new workplace! Me? Wanting to get up and go to work in the morning? WHO IS THIS WOMAN?!?! It's because I feel acknowledged for my contribution, small as they may seem to me. And it feels wonderful! 

So take a moment today to tell those around you - whether family, co-workers, roommates or friends HOW MUCH they actually matter. Too much of our world focuses on the negative, and everything we've done WRONG, and rarely acknowledges what we've done right. So take that moment, even if it seems a minor thing to you, it may be a major thing to another. 

Thank you for reading my blog! You are a valued member of my team! :)