Monday, February 2, 2015

New Year's Resolutions - one month follow up!

HAPPY GROUNDHOG'S DAY! It's a new month! How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions?

For me, I am WINNING at exceeding my goal of 2 books a month (I read 6!)
*I got sketching again (including finding LOADS of old sketchbooks!!!!) Goal is to sketch at least once a week.
*I have been very consistent in my workouts and made up the one conditioning class I missed (And for this new month I've now moved to mornings and 3 days a week from 2 evenings a week.)
*I also did great at keeping up to date on writing (I am behind from this crazy weekend of racing/black belt ceremony/late nights at work, but I'll catch up!)
*I missed a couple days of my 30 days of yoga due to sickness (and one day on the 2nd of Jan. because I simply forgot! I wasn't in the habit yet! HA!) but I did yoga the majority of the month and seeing improvement in strength, balance and coordination!
*Worked with my physical therapist on my injuries and seeing enormous improvement! My range of motion in my shoulder is unbelievable now! :D
*I rode my horses, and now that I'm taking the morning conditioning classes, I'll have more evenings free to ride. YAY! :)
*I set up my "Warm Fuzzies" file again - every time something makes me happy, makes me feel good, personal epiphanies, compliments, etc... a slip of paper goes in and at the end of the year (or bad days!) I can re-read them and perk up!
*My blog has had 4,731 views! WOW! o.O
*TOMORROW I start a digital photography course in continuing education at UVU!
*Also, I ran my first race of 2015 toward my goal of one 5k/month and set a very good time on my least favorite $%#(&*$^) hilly course despite not having raced in 8 months nor run farther than a mile in 4! (And only got the okay from my PT to run that mile last week!)

Areas that need improvement:
*I haven't been working consistently on my Spanish.... not only learning it, but speaking it as well. We did watch "The Princess Bride" in Spanish - it loses a lot being dubbed over....
*While I did play the piano, I didn't meet my goal of practicing at least an hour a week. Gotta work on that.
*Archery practice!
*Working on enough strength to finally master Crow Pose!
*Consistent weekly forms (poomsae) practice - the Friendship Open is only a month away!
*Improving mile times now that I'm cleared to run and working distance up to the Spartan Race!
*Continuing my daily writing toward my goal of writing for every day for one year!

How are you doing with your goals? What are they! Let me know in the comments below!