Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Going FULL Ninja!

Hello blog-o-philes!!!

Well, I have been absent my blog for far too long.

But there's a REASON for that!  SURPRISE!!! 

This was very definitely planned, but we've had some hiccups along the way.....

We thought we lost this little pumpkin a few weeks back, and I had to go in for blood draws to monitor my HCG levels to come back down to zero post-miscarriage.

Well, they called me after my second blood draw (the first being the baseline to determine the levels which we were starting) and then let me know the results were at half - which is what they anticipated after a miscarriage.

I was desperately sad, and maybe ate a half gallon of ice cream by myself - and actually got sicker than I had been the entire pregnancy to date!!!! I ended up needing to go get a prescription antacid because I wasn't experiencing so much nausea as extremely acid stomach and excruciating pain. NOT FUN!

Well, last week they did another blood draw, and realized their "transcription" error! My levels were not, in fact, at HALF, they were DOUBLE the week prior, and DOUBLE from the week before! She called me on 10/28/15 and though I could hear her saying things to me, I truly couldn't understand! I was STILL pregnant???

All my symptoms were gone. No desperate hunger, no queasiness, no soreness in my chest... and I truly thought I was just fluffy from all the ice cream that I was using to drown my sorrows. I must've made the nurse repeat it four or five times. "There was a transcription error - you're STILL pregnant!" I asked her if she was REALLY sure... because they had already made ONE error... was it possible that they had made TWO? And that I wasn't pregnant at all? After all, I felt FINE! 

Once that sunk in that my levels looked great and DEFINITELY increasing,, she said I needed an emergency ultrasound and they would schedule me that day, if possible!

I drove like a crazy person to be down next to the hospital for when they called, drank my QUART of water an hour before my visit, and James went with me to our first-ever ultrasound on 10/28/15.

The tech didn't say anything for a LONGGGGGGGGGGG time........ which got my heart racing because I was so scared the fetus wasn't viable. After about 15 minutes to the point where I was anxious enough that my heartbeat was showing in my uterine wall jumping on the ultrasound, I finally asked in a quavering voice, "So... does everything look okay???"

And she said "Oh yes! I was just taking measurements! Here's the baby, (and she pushed in until I feared I would wet the table!) and here's the heartbeat!" 165 beats a minute for the little bean! HOLY SMOKES!!! (Which is actually normal, but *may* indicate.... a girl! We have to wait nearly 10 more weeks to actually know gender, however!) The tech estimated that we were at 7 weeks and 5 days!

I cannot even tell you how reassuring it was to see that little flutter of that heartbeat on the monitor! I told James we're not having a baby, we're having a HUMMINGBIRD!!!!

But everything looks fine. I do have some restrictions as I am high risk due to my "advanced maternal age" (ACK!) and due to the bleed, but the good side is we may get ultrasounds every 2 weeks when most women only get two their ENTIRE pregnancy!

This little ninja is going to be very used to be photographed.... even before arrival!!!

I am so in love with my newly-popped out bump - YES, I CAN TELL! And my husband was thrilled - his eyes were utterly GLUED to the monitors watching our little bean appear as the tech moved the ultrasound around! 

We are still very early, so only an extremely limited group of people know, and we are not yet in the "safe zone" of 12 to 14 weeks when miscarriage risk drops to 3% and after 16 weeks drops further to just a mere 1% so all prayers, good thoughts and wishes are appreciated!

Our first OB intake appointment was yesterday, on Nov 9th, and tomorrow will be actually meeting our OB and having our second ultrasound which should be just about 10 weeks (9 weeks and 5 days to be precise) on Nov 11th. For now, however, their best guess is I'll be having a baby for my birthday - early June! (June 9th - subject to change pending tomorrow's ultrasound!) I feel great after being so very sick after the bleed - no serious symptoms, and we are going to take the best care until we are in the very safest of safe zones! 

Hopefully they tell me I can run tomorrow - so far they have restricted me only from jumping and doing core exercises!

Welcome, Baby B (the ninja who fooled mommy into thinking they were no longer there!)

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